Run Like Mad
“But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "We’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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About us
Team 5am Running Madness started around 2009 as an informal group of runners gathering for early morning runs. Over the years the group grew in size, consistency, and cohesion. In 2020, we became the premiere USATF-certified running team in the Eugene/Springfield area. In 2021, Team 5am Running Madness incorporated and become an LLC jointly owned and managed by the coaches Dr. Lonn Robertson and Dr. Jenn Lewis.
Team 5am is a competitive, performance-oriented running team that aims to help runners meet their individual goals within a strong, supportive community. Team 5am Running Madness is composed of amateur/sub-elite and elite athletes pursuing their personal bests and supporting their teammates in those pursuits through consistent training focused on high volume, high intensity training, balanced with dedicated rest/recovery, as well as, evidence-based practices in nutrition, fitness, and mental well-being. Our team focuses particularly on adults of all ages training for the marathon or half-marathon at competitive paces (Half-Marathon 1:35 or faster; Marathon 3:15 or faster). We run to compete at peak performance individually while building and fostering a strong team community where we experience collective successes through being supported by and supporting our teammates on and off the race course.
Features and Recent News
Current highlights, events, news, and updates from the team!
Team 5am and the Eugene Marathon 2022
Check out the results from our most recent team race, the Eugene Marathon and Half! We had 17 team members in the race and 9 new PR's.
See all the results here
Community Events
Go check out our Community Events page to learn how and when you can come run with us!
Newest Team Members
Meet the newest members of Team 5am
Interested athletes should contact the coaches directly - See Team Membership details here
Team 5am Running Madness LLC is a USA Track & Field (USATF) certified competitive running club. The team has a blog that includes written and video/audio athlete interviews, race reports, running science pieces, and more. Team success and events are highlighted on the team’s Instagram account (@team.5am.running.madness) - as well as information about athletes, races, and running-related info. Communication between the coaches and team members includes access to a team google calendar updated regularly with both formal and informal team run’s times and locations, as well as, races and other team events. We also have a private Facebook group for team members where workout details are posted. Coaching for the team includes training plans for both half-marathon racers and full marathon racers, as well as, some individual adjustments for particular races. Additionally, we strive to be research-informed and will include information on strength training, nutrition, and mental training for athletes.
© 2019